How To Update Product Details Programmatically in Magento.?

Magento product update programmatically
In this sophisticated Magento Platform you can also update the specific product details as per new changes with programmatically. To begin with first of all Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’) is used to load the product object and after which the new values can be added to get the desired results on Name SKU, product description and short description respectively.

public function updateproduct(){
        $product = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->load(150);
        //Update product details
      $product->setName('test product');
      $product->setSku('test sku');
     $product->setDescription("new product description.");
     $product->setShortDescription("new short description.");
        try { 
            echo "Product updated";
        }catch(Exception $ex) { 
           echo "Product Error";

Using the following code product with specific 150 id will update as per the new Name, SKU, description and short description as same mentioned in the code

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