Responsive Web Design Interview Questions And Answers

Responsive Web Design (RWD) has now become the future of web development. Hundreds of mobile devices, tablets, Personal Laptops, and other electronic devices show the same website content. The concept of Responsive design has changed the perception of delivering the same brand website/platform across multiple devices. In this post, we will study the Responsive Design Interview Questions and Answers to streamline your interview preparation.
And with the mobile-first index introduced in the Google Search algorithm responsive sites, trends are here to stay. And when you go for an interview for a web designer or a web development interview, these RWD Interview questions can complement your preparation.
These interview questions will help you in understanding the basics of RWD and implement them in various strategies to make you more sound and confident.
Let us start with a simple definition of Responsive Web Design in general and enjoy the learning curve.
What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?

Responsive Web Design is the concept used by websites globally to give viewers a better user experience across multiple platforms such as mobile, desktop, PCs, and other electronic devices. Web Developers use flexible grids, flexible layouts & flexible images, and a combination of standard media queries to deliver an impeccable experience.
(Also, Read Wikipedia Definition)
Facts that Define Responsive Web Design (RWD)!
The concept of RWD was born to match modern-day needs for providing a uniform experience across multiple formats. (Also, Read Responsive Web Design Tutorial)
Here are some of the major factors to help you define Responsive Web Design (RWD).
- Use of Standard Media Queries
- Flexible Layouts / Flexible Grids
- Flexible images
- Use of Responsive CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, etc
- Delivering different modes of web designs on mobile, tablets, and desktops.
List of Responsive Web Design Interview Questions
Here we will discuss the top responsive web design interview questions and answers. There is also a special section for Experienced professionals.
Responsive Design Interview Questions
- Responsive Tags
- Responsive Height
- Responsive div
Media Query Interview Questions
- Background image responsive CSS
- Table Responsive CSS
- Media Query Interview Questions with examples
For Experienced Professional
- Iframe Responsive CSS
- Responsive Emails
- Responsive Tools
Also, check out the Responsive Web Design Interview Questions And Answers Pdf for more guidance now! 2024 Updated Questions
A. Responsive Design is a user-friendly approach to web design that allows fluid Graphic User Interface (GUI) across multiple electronic device sizes. Responsive Web Design (RWD) uses media queries, responsive CSS frameworks, and % unit for design to show uniform content across devices.
A. You should use standard practices for building a good responsive web design. Some of the essential tips
– Use a mobile-first approach
– Use % in CSS to give specific size of HTML elements
– Eliminate Friction
– Follow two orientations always (Portrait and Landscapes)
– Use responsive typography
– Use real-time browser testing or standard plugins/testing tools to verify the responsive design.
A. Building a perfect responsive web design can be quite complicated for all PC, mobile screens, tablets, and laptops. 1. Responsive Design & 2. Adaptive Design
Though both lead to responsive design but follow different strategies.
A. Presence of a Horizontal bar on mobile or desktop screens is the first sign that website is having responsive errors and will fail check or testing tool respectively.
A. There are three standard types of Responsive Web design as
1) Adaptive Layout 2) Fluid Layout 3) Fluid-Responsive Layout
A. There are specific standard breakpoints for responsive web design.
320px — 480px: For Mobile devices.
481px — 768px: For iPads, Tablets.
769px — 1024px: For Small screens, laptops.
1025px — 1200px: For Desktops, large screens.
1201px and more — For Extra large screens, TV.
A. Using a Combination of HTML & CSS to build flexible designs for multiple screens is termed Responsive Web Design. RWD process includes hiding, resizing, enlarging, or changing elements’ size based on their user viewing.
Q. Which is the best CSS property width solution for making images and videos responsive?
A. Use max-width
to be set at 100% which will scale the images and videos to their parent element accordingly.
Q. Explain CSS 3 media queries in relation to responsive web design!
A. Concept of RWD started with the advent of CSS3 media queries in which breakpoints were used for writing device-specific CSS. Now the mobile-first approach is considered for web designing before desktop screens.
Q. What are the standard media queries used in current trends for mobile technology?
A. Although designers all over the world use various breakpoints for writing CSS related to devices. Here we are providing the basic points at which they should be written for multi-device compatibility.
Standard Responsive Media(CSS3) Queries
No. | For Devices | Standard CSS3 values |
1. | For Mobile & Smart Phones | @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 479px){ … } |
2. | Smartphone devices | @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px){ … } |
3. | Medium size devices | @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px){ … } |
4. | Desktops Laptops and Large Screen Devices | @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1999px){ … } |
Q. New age Smart devices have two basic views Portrait and Landscape. How the pages are made w.r.t. to responsive web design for these two views?
A. In CSS3 there are ways of media queries for writing view-specific properties for managing the content accordingly.
@media Screen and (orientation:portrait) { … }
@media Screen and (orientation:landscape) { … }
Q. Explain the main tags and attributes used in the below statement!
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
A. Viewport is considered the area which covers the user’s screen or visible area. With HTML5 there are tags directly that can control the website content.
tags provide basic browser instructions about the scaling and dimensions of the page.
makes sure the content and all of its elements should follow the device width.
initial scale=1.0
defines the initial zoom level when the page is loaded in the browser the first time.
Q. Explain the user scalable attribute in the Meta viewport tag!
A. On Small screen mobile devices the ability to zoom into the content is termed a user scalable attribute. There are options Yes or No if you want zoom functionality on your website.
Get complete info on Responsive Viewport Meta with examples!
Q. What is the default viewport width size for Apple devices?
A. 980px
Q. Is there a difference between aspect-ratio and device-aspect-ratio while using CSS3 media queries?
A. Both are used in responsive media queries for the main difference lies in the area covered by these two specific media query instructions.
Q. What are breakpoints in CSS3 Media queries and explain their use?
A. When you will see the responsive web layouts there be strategically placed breakpoints which are the standard markings for changing the layout design at specific values respectively.
Q. Does Responsive Web Design (RWD) have any effect on the SEO of the website?
A. Yes after the Google Algorithm change which clearly stated that they will prefer sites that are more mobile-friendly than others it is now recommended for all web platforms to be responsive 100%. Now recent update Mobile First Index makes mobile sites the first preference over desktops now.
Q. I have a very old website with old HTML tags and CSS. Is there a possibility to make it responsive using new technology without compromising the look of the design?
A. Yes with new HTML5 tags and CSS3 capabilities each design can be converted into 100% responsive with the right customizations. However, there are a few exceptions where rules and changes are required for making sure we get what we want! (e.g. IE hacks sometimes requires unorthodox solutions)
Q. Does the width of the device should have any effect on the font size of the website content?
A. Yes on desktop screens as they are usually larger whereas mobile devices have smaller screen sizes. Designers have to consider the fact that users are much closer to mobile screens rather than desktops or laptop screens respectively. So it is recommended to use smaller font sizes for mobile screen devices.
Q. What are major CSS properties that need to be avoided while designing responsive web layouts?
A. There are some don’t while writing CSS for responsive web design;
1. Large Fixed Elements
2. Higher Absolute Positioning
Q. Name a few CSS responsive frameworks that are used in the Industry for developing websites!
A. There are many CSS responsive frameworks available on the Internet. Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton, UIKit, Materialize, Semantic-UI, Pure, etc but Bootstrap and Foundation are the two most used in current web standards.
Q. How you would scale navigation on Mobile Screens?
A. In Mobile Screens there are many options that are used either you can hide a large desktop menu and use selectable navigation or the popular app sidebar type menu that is making its way into new sites too.
Q. Does Font typography have any effect on Responsive web design?
A. Yes web designers have to sort this issue while giving specific font values to the content. Headings, Content should be appropriately checked for their respective sizes being readable on small mobile screens. The default font size for the web is 16pt or 16px and the use of web fonts is recommended overall too.
Q. How are issues tackled in old browsers that do not have RWD compatibility with no media queries support?
A. There are tweaks and browser-specific solutions that are used to carry out those minor adjustments. You can search for specific IE hacks available online too.
Q. Is it necessary to build mobile-first layouts in Responsive Web Design?
A. This is a general point of view that mobile sites are more easily able to scale into desktop websites. But it is not recommended with many web designers working out simultaneously on both mobile and desktop versions respectively. Although more responsive themes and templates are available these days, still complex designs require you to work from Scratch.
Q. What are the prerequisite web technologies that one must understand for learning Responsive Web Designing (RWD)?
A21. HTML5 and CSS are the cornerstone technology around which Responsive Web Design is built. Although you will find the use of JavaScript in some places too for making responsive changes whenever required.
Responsive Web Design Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
Q. How to make responsive background images in CSS?
A. To make a background image in CSS use the following attributes:
background-image:url('../images/bg.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:contain; background-position:center;
Q. How to make div responsive?
A. By default Div is a block element and uses standard responsive web design rules to make it responsive. Some of them are: Use standard layouts with rows, content, and columns with content width being defined as less than 100%, avoid using specific width or height of elements, etc.
A. Although div takes 100% width by default its height depends on the content added in inside the tag only. Avoid setting any elements with set heights and then it will be responsive from the height/vertical side.
A. In a responsive design, text size or font size needs proper alignment as well. You need to set font size at each breakpoint.
It is recommended to use VW units for font size respectively. VW stands for viewport width so that the text follows the size of the browser windows. So 1vw = 1% of viewport width.
For example, If the viewport is 40cm wide, 1vw is 0.4cm.
A. Using a percentage value in the image inside the div makes it responsive to the viewer. Height automatically takes once the width is adjusted.
So focus on managing the width of the image rather than the height. once the width takes precedence inside the element the image will appear responsive. And in case, the height is larger for any image then you might need to make adjustments for height too.
A. You need to be flexible in sizing content for making web pages responsive. You should define font size CSS value for each breakpoint to get the best results.
A. Content takes its value from div. So you need to define the precise value for font size to make it responsive across multiple screens. You must define the font size for each breakpoint to get the desired results.
A. It is a quite common question related to web designing. Here you need to define the width for an element and then use margin auto to make it appear center for the viewer screen. This way you make sure the element always stay in the center irrespective of the device size.
A. There are different ways to fit the height of elements on multiple screens. Content will expand automatically to take size as per the browser size. Images may get shrink or grow depending on the viewer’s browser width.
Some of the properties you can use to manage element height
Display: inline-block
Height: 100% or 100vh values
position: absolute/relative and then define specific values for the top left right bottom values.
Q. How to make a table responsive in CSS?
A. For basic just altering width to 100% does the trick but there are specific adjustments that need to get a better user experience on multiple screens respectively.
.table { width: 100%; }
A. Yes, it is possible using HTML5 and CSS3 as well as JS too. Remove fixed elements(height, width, etc) within the iframe and div elements outside the iframe. Now design that div responsive and use of aspect ratio is must in any case.
Q. Does Internet Explorer (IE) supports Responsive Web Designing(RWD)?
A. IE had limited capabilities for supporting responsive design but newer versions have proved a lot of success in implementing this new ear of modern RWD. There are many fixes, solutions, and tricks that are applied to give specific responsive behavior.
Q. What are the best standards for using responsive design custom queries or Frameworks like Bootstrap etc?
A. Responsive Web Design is now the common standard for websites with their importance in SEO. But Choosing between the custom media queries can be a bit confusing so frameworks are mostly preferred.
Choose Framework if the designs are simple, cleaner and the scope of the website is limited
Choose Custom Media Queries if the designs are complicated and the scope of the website is broad
Q. How you will test the responsive nature of your website?
A. There are many ways of checking the mobile responsive test for websites.
1. Google Mobile friendly Test Tool (
2. Browser plugins: There are many 3rd party plugins that you can install and test your sites for various platforms. Firebug for Firefox
3. Online Testing: Many platforms offer multi-platform responsive testing on various range of devices
4. Real-Time Testing: If you have the right devices, go on test with real-time testing with your own hands.
One of the most general ways of testing RWD is to manually by pressing F12 and toggling the device options.
A. When using responsive Email web structure widths are defined i.e. width=600px. Also maximum and minimum attributes are used whenever required.
Q. What are the unique points for making responsive Emails?
A. One of the unique features of Responsive emails is that we have to use in-line CSS to give the right design behavior. All the layout structure and layout must be built with inline CSS only to give specific results with Emails.
Q. Are REM units responsive?
Q. What are the future scope and challenges that you see in Responsive Web Designing?
A. Responsive Web Designing is here to stay and with Google favoring sites with multiple platform views, RWD is now the standard protocol for building websites from the beginning itself.
With Mobile searches going higher than desktop their presentation and features will improve as we go ahead in the future to claim the success of RWD.
We will be adding more questions and answers to this section. If you have any questions in mind then add in the comments below or point out the errors and your name will be mentioned. Thanks for reading!

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