Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

crc32 – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string crc32(string); Description : crc32() function will return CRC32 i.e cyclic redundancy checksum polynomial of 32-bit lengths of the string. This is usually used to validate the integrity of data...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

count_chars – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string count_chars(string, mode); Description : count_chars() function will return information about characters used in a string, which can be string with all different characters, with all unused characters and...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

convert_uudecode – PHP Functions

Syntax : string convert_uudecode(string) ; Description : convert_uudecode() function decodes a string using the uuencode algorithm. Note : convert_uudecode() function is used with convert_uuencode() function. Parameter : string –  String to be...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

convert_uuencode – PHP Functions

Syntax: string convert_uuencode(string) ; Description : convert_uuencode() function will encodes a string using the uuencode algorithm. Note : Uuencode translates all strings (including binary’s ones) into printable characters, making them safe for...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

chr – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string chr (ascii); Description : chr() function will returns a character from the specified ASCII value. The ASCII value can be specified in Decimal : Decimal values are defined by a leading 0x....

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

chunk_split – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string chunk_split(string, chunklength, end) ; Description : chunk_split() function will return smaller chunks(pieces) of a string in chunklength parameter. Parameter : string –  String to be chunked. chunklength – This is Optional...

SQL About me 0

SQL About me

Today i am writing about SQL. In the internet Era, we all are having smart phones, Gadgets etc devices. We are using them to search/surfing on net. So, how data...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

chop – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string chop (string, charlist); Description : chop function will remove predefined characters or specified characters in charlist if any from the right end of a string. This function is an alias of- rtrim() function. Parameter...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

bin2hex – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string bin2hex (string); Description : bin2hex function will converts a string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values. The string can be converted back using the pack() function. Parameter : string –  String...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

addslashes – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string addslashes(string); Description : addslashes function will add backslash ( \ ) before the predefined characters. The predefined characters are: single quote (‘) double quote (“) backslash (\) NULL Parameter :...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

addcslashes – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string addcslashes (string, charlist); Description : addcslashes function will add backslash before the specified characters in charlist parameter for the string. Parameter : string –  This is a Required parameter. which needs to be escaped....

HTML Body tag 0

HTML Body tag

HTML <body> tag is one of the core part of the Web layout where all the elements are represented. Note : Check how HTML tags distinguish themselves with their tag...

HTML Blockquote Tag 0

HTML Blockquote Tag

HTML <Blockquote> tag is used when there is quote in the statement from source other than the website which is provided in the referral lines. About HTML Here is a...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

All About PHP 5 String Functions with Examples

PHP 5 String Functions: PHP continues to be the mainstay of web development with several CMS, frameworks, and platforms built around it. One of the main keys to success lies...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

PHP – Introduction

PHP is a server side scripting language. We can make dynamic, interactive Web pages/sites. PHP is  free and can be downloaded from site. It is mostly used for scripting language....

HTML bdi tag 0

HTML bdi tag

HTML <bdi> tag stands for Bi Directional Isolation and it defines and isolates the direction of the text formatting from other multi-language directional changes. Note : Currently Internet Explorer doesn’t...

HTML base tag 0

HTML base tag

HTML <base> tag sets the base/source/target for all relative URLS in the document. Placed inside the <head> element <base> is allowed maximum one time in whole document. Note : In...