ucfirst – PHP String Functions
Syntax : ucfirst ( string ); Description : ucfirst() function will take string as input and converts its first letter of a string to uppercase letter, if that character is alphabetic. In...
Syntax : ucfirst ( string ); Description : ucfirst() function will take string as input and converts its first letter of a string to uppercase letter, if that character is alphabetic. In...
Syntax : ucwords ( string, seperator/delimiters ); Description : ucwords() function will take string as input and converts first letter of every word in a string to uppercase letter, if that character...
If you enjoy creating artworks and search for the ways to present your talent to the highly demanding online community, then art & culture WordPress themes from TemplateMonster will help...
History and Introduction : When the Internet began in the early 1990s, it was a desktop-only version. Soon automation and research put the experts to make mobile friendly solutions but...
Syntax : join ( separator, array ); Description : join() function will glue(join) array elements in a string. join() is an alias of the PHP implode() function. Parameter : separator – Optional....
Syntax : convert_cyr_string (string, from, to); Description : convert_cyr_string() function will converts a string from one Cyrillic character set to another. Parameter : string – This is Required parameter. This is string which...
Spring is definitely one of the best seasons for shopping. It’s getting warmer and all shopaholics crave to get a new outfit for office, walks in the park, meetings with...
Breadcrumbs are important part of website navigation and they are fundamental part of the layout as their need to define the navigational hierarchy on each page respectively. This comes useful...
Magento Create Category Programmatically : You can create categories programmatically in Magento by Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’) method which is used to initialize and create the category in Magento 1.9 Note : There...
PHP is one of the most server site scripting language used all over the world. Today we are going to discuss the basic questionnaire for freshers. When you are going...
Mage::getSingleton(): Mage::getSingleton(‘catalog/product’); will check the Object of the given model already exists and return that if it does. If it doesn’t exist, it will create a new object of the given...
Responsive Web Design (RWD) has now become the future of web development. Hundreds of mobile devices, tablets, Personal Laptops, and other electronic devices show the same website content. The concept of...
Bootstrap provides special well classes to give content inset effect for the content to be given different look. You can give the element this look by just adding .well class...
Syntax : implode ( separator, array ); Description : implode function will join array elements in a string. Parameter : separator – Optional. This is an optional parameter. By default it is an...
JavaScript is a high level programming language used vividly in web development.JavaScript was standardized using ECMAScript language specification. Most of the websites uses JavaScript in some way during their website...
JavaScript is programming language which is widely used along with HTML and CSS for creating websites and applications used vividly in Information technology via World Wide Web. In short form...
In this post we are going to add new CMS page in Magento with step by step direction. First step – To add a new CMS page, login your Magento...
Use of graphic images has increased a lot with social media boom along with animated GIF’s. In Bootstrap there are provisions for styling with respect to being responsive and giving...
Syntax : explode (separator, string, limit); Description : PHP explode function will splits the string by string, into array of elements. Parameter : separator – This is required parameter from which string is splited....
In Bootstrap there are seven basic classes that are allowed to use anywhere in the web layout for getting desired results. With different name and color they are used as...