Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How To Install Extension In Magento.?

When you  installed the Magento Then you will get a default theme from Magento. If you want more than the default appearance and functionality for your Magento store, the simplest...

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How to create the XML sitemap in Magento?

Website XML Sitemap plays an important role in SEO for fetching the correct information by Web Crawlers. Hence they must be configured precisely for better SEO practices. Today we are...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

Autocommit – MySQLi Functions

Syntax :  mysqli_autocommit(connection,mode); Description : It used to turns on or off auto-committing on database modifications done by MySQL operation like  INSERT, UPDATE ,DELETE , SELECT etc. Note : This...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

Affected Rows – MySQLi Functions

Syntax : mysqli_affected_rows(connection); Description : It used to get the information about number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation like  INSERT, UPDATE ,DELETE , SELECT etc. For SELECT...

Responsive web design tutorial with examples for beginners 0

Responsive Viewport Meta

Responsive web design is built by writing CSS for all devices that are in use with respect to their respective width. When we talk about responsive than first of all...

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How to remove all items in a magento product collection?

In the following code we are going to study how to remove all items in a Magento Product Collection in a simple way. $Collection = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->getCollection() foreach( $collection as $item...

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How to get current category name and id on product page in magento.?

Following is the code to get current Category name and id on product page in Magento. <?php $catname = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/layer’)->getCurrentCategory()->getName(); //gives current category name $catid = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/layer’)->getCurrentCategory()->getId(); //gives current category...

JavaScript tutorials for beignners 0

What are JavaScript Comments?

JavaScript Comments :These are side information added to each code so that they convey the right message about the code identification especially to readers enhancing the overall process of coding...