Step by step Bootstrap 3 tutorials 0

Understanding Spacing in Bootstrap 4

Spacing in Bootstrap : Being one of the most preferred responsive framework i.e, Bootstrap 4 has some of the best spacing management to impart higher UI and UX to make...

Step by step Bootstrap 3 tutorials 0

How to Use Bootstrap 4 Progress Bar?

Bootstrap Progress Bar: With this Bootstrap component you can use this to progress of the process to the users as completing to goes from 0 to 100%. With Bootstrap you...

How to use onpage for SEO 0

On Page SEO and its Techniques

Modern day Search engines crawls the page for specific content and on-page factors. Then these on-page techniques become one of the most important factors in getting the right impressions from...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

number_format – PHP String Functions

Syntax : number_format ( number, decimals, decimal_point, thousands_sep); Description : number_format() function helps in formating a number (Floating number) with grouped thousands. Note : This function takes either one, two, or four...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

htmlspecialchars – PHP String Functions

Syntax : htmlspecialchars ( strings, flags, encoding/character-set, double_encode ); Description : htmlspecialchars() function can converts some predefined characters to HTML entities. Here is list of predefined characters. [table caption=”Predefined Characters List” max-width=”100%”...

Php tutorials for beginners with example 0

hex2bin – PHP String Functions

Syntax : string hex2bin ( string ); Description : hex2bin function will converts a string of hexadecimal values to ASCII characters. Parameter : string – This is a Required parameter. String of hexadecimal values...