Best Social Bookmarking Sites Without Registration in 2024
In SEO, it is necessary to build links daily. And Social Bookmarking purposely requires you to log in with the credentials using a specific username and password that takes...
In SEO, it is necessary to build links daily. And Social Bookmarking purposely requires you to log in with the credentials using a specific username and password that takes...
Bootstrap is a CSS framework that uses classes for its design. Here is a comprehensive list of all classes’ names with descriptions, and examples. Bootstrap Alert Classes Bootstrap Badge Classes...
Social Bookmarking in SEO: With the emergence of digital marketing in the last decade all websites are now competing to get on top of the major search engines(Google, Bing, Yahoo,...
Syntax : string strtok ( string, token ); OR string strtok ( token ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strtok() function Tokenize string or we can say splits a string...
Syntax : string strrev ( string ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. As its name implies, strrev() function will reverse the string. Parameter : [table caption=”” width=”100%” colwidth=”15%|15%|15%|55%”...
Syntax : string strrchr ( string, char_string ); Description : strrchr() function will find the last occurrence of char_string in a string and returns all characters from this position to the end...
Syntax : string strpbrk ( string, char_list ); Description : strpbrk() function will searches a string for any of the specified characters. Note : case-sensitive function. Parameter : [table caption=”” width=”100%”...
Syntax : int strncmp ( string1, string2, length ); Description : strncmp() function will compare two strings. This is case-sensitive function. Note : Binary safe and case-sensitive function. Tip : strncmp() is...
Syntax : int strncasecmp ( string1, string2, length ); Description : strncasecmp() function will compare two strings. Note : Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison function. Tip : This function is similar to...
Syntax : int strnatcmp ( string1, string2 ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strnatcmp() function compares the two strings using a “natural” algorithm. Note: This function is binary-safe and...
Syntax : int strnatcasecmp ( string1, string2 ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strnatcasecmp() function compares the two strings using a “natural” algorithm. In a natural algorithm, the...
Syntax : int strlen ( string ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. The strlen() function returns the length of a string. Parameter : [table caption=”” width=”100%” colwidth=”15%|15%|15%|55%” colalign=”left|left|left|left”]...
Get All Categories in Magento When you need to display all categories on homepage or any cms page then you can use below methods to work with different list of all Magento...
The editing Magento database configuration file is an important step when you install or change hosting (server) for a website. In case you need to reset your Magento data configurations...
Magento add Social Media Button : Adding a ‘Facebook Share button‘ and a ‘Twitter Tweet button’ to your Magento pages and products is simple but you have to use the...
Magento product page does not always display the full breadcrumb path on the product page and you have to add modified code to get the full breadcrumb path on product...
Syntax : strripos ( string, search_string, start ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strripos() function find the position of the last occurrence of a search_string in a string....
Syntax : strrpos ( string, search_string, start ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strrpos() function Find the position of the last occurrence of a search_string in a string....
Gzip Compression in WordPress : Gzip is one of the components of the server that allows faster loading of the websites in a compressed form. In WordPress CMS one can...
Syntax : strpos ( string, search_string, start ); Description : It’s an inbuilt function of PHP. strpos() function Find the position of the first occurrence of a search_string in a string....