Best Html5 Interview Questions and Answers to learn in 2024

HTML5 is now the latest version of markup language being used in Web Designing. These questions mark the core of the interview if you are fresher. They cover all the basics and provide in-depth information for your overall interview preparation. Read them once you are assured to get a few questions for your interview. There is also PDF available for you to take these questions in your drive. Read more questions, queries, PDF’s and solutions with expert guidance step by step only at Tutorialmines!

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Here are the Top 35 Html5 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers to study in 2024

  • Q1. What is HTML? Define its purpose and use as well?
  • A1. HTML is the short form for Hyper Text Markup Language and with the release of its latest version HTML5 is used diversely in crafting animated and beautiful websites by creating web layouts of amazing user experience.

  • Q2. What is the correct syntax for Doctype in HTML5?
  • A2. Latest syntax for HTML5 document type is now <! DOCTYPE> only! It is not a HTML tag but instructs the browser about the version of the HTML being used.

  • Q3. Explain the meaning of the term ‘HTML attributes’!
  • A3. These are part of the tags that gives them context and purpose for their meaning like href attribute for <a> tag in HTML. Similarly there are some HTML Global attributes which can be used on all tags directly.

  • Q4. What are semantic elements?
  • A4. Semantic elements are those which clearly defines their own meaning with names only like <form>, <table> tags tell their work whereas <div>, <span> are non-semantic elements telling none about their content placed inside them whatsoever.

    • Q5. Is case-sensitivity a issue with HTML5 Tags?
    • A5. No, you can write mixing of uppercase and lowercase alphabets but recommended standard is lowercase.
HTML Tags are not case sensitive

  • Q6. Name few new HTML5 tags that will form the core of the web for present and future modern layouts?
  • A6. HTML5 brings with range of new elements and tags that will be found in all modern layouts are <header>, <nav>, <footer>, <section>, <article>. These are some of the most important tags and are found in almost all the newer version of themes, templates and web layouts.

  • Q7. Explain the benefits of using HTML5 as opposed to earlier version of HTML!
  • A7. HTML5 has made direct functionalities and provides access for lot of things that were before could only be used with 3rd party plugins or separate programs.
    • 1. New semantic elements that are purposefully made for their name use like <header> for header section, <footer> for footer section and other <nav>, <article>, <section> & so on
    • 2. Improved JavaScript API for geolocation, drag-and-drop and media APIs.
    • 3. Support for audio with <audio> tag, Video with <video> tag and <canvas> tag for embedding graphics directly into HTML5.
    • 4. Enhanced support for multi-platform accessibility.
    • 5. New form elements(<time>, <url> etc) and smooth validation process that works like charm.

  • Q8. What are the differences between inline and block elements?
  • A8. Inline elements take only the space in their line with no margin-padding like <a>, <hr>, <span> etc whereas Block elements block the whole area once placed in the html layout like <div>, <h1>, <p> etc!

  • Q9. Define the data-attributes in the current form of HTML5?
  • A9. Data attributes in HTML5 are used to embed custom data to an element which are quite helpful developing Single Page Applications in the modern web development.

  • Q10. How you will explain the datalist element in HTML5?
  • A10. Using HTML5 datalist element, auto-complete facility is provided in text box using just tags only.

  • Q11. Can you link image with webpage? Is it possible? If possible please explain in detail!
  • A11. Linking image with webpage is done by placing the <img> tag inside <a> and closing the tags accordingly within. Source of the image is defined with src attribute

  • Q12. How you can differentiate between <article> and <section> tags?
  • A12. <article> defines a document whereas <section> is part of the page. Both can be used inside each other as the conditions ask for it with purposely defined structure in the web layout.

  • Q13. What are Web Workers?
  • A13. These are just JavaScript files that run in the background.

  • Q14. Explain the media tags associated with HTML5!
  • A14. <audio> and <video> tags are the new addition in the HTML5 that requires specific JS library if additional required.

  • Q15. Are we allowed to multiple use of tags like <header>, <footer> in the formation of the web layouts of the designing?
  • A15. Yes, these two tags <header>,<footer> have been created with purpose of using them multiple time for every part of the body(section). Every section can have their own <header> tag and <footer> tag marking their own identity in the HTML

  • Q16. Which tag has replaced most of the properties of Flash in HTML5?
  • A16. <Canvas> is the tag that has a lot of properties similar to Flash directly integrated into HTML5 with access for drawing boxes, paths, circles, text and graphic images.

  • Q17. Can we create new elements in HTML5? is there any criteria for it?
  • A17. Yes, you can create new elements but using JavaScript with purposeful meaning.

  • Q18. List few tags that are now not supported with HTML5!
  • A18. Yes there are some tags that are either replaced with new tags or merged with some old ones and some replaced with CSS properties entirely. These are <acronym>, <s> etc and click here for complete list of tags not supported in HTML5

  • Q19. Can you store data locally in HTML5? Is there a possibility? Explain!
  • A19. Yes, HTML5 offers local storage within the user’s browser. Earlier this functionality was handled by cookies. Localstorage through HTML5 is permanent until a user deletes it himself whereas Sessionstorage is over as soon you close the browser of your system.

  • Q20. With the advent of HTML5, are there any changes in API use for HTML5 with web development?
  • A20. Yes there quite a few changes with API integration with HTML5 that are new and will make development easy like High-Resolution Time API, Media API, Text Track API, User timing API, Data Transfer API, Command API, History API creating web environment for future.

HTML5 Tricky interview questions

  • Q21. What is the default Browser font size of HTML5?
  • A21. 16 px is the browser default in case there are no specified font size value being assigned in the CSS. Otherwise the given value will take effect respectively.

  • Q22. Is it necessary to close HTML tags while making layouts?
  • A22. Yes One must close all the tags as they might have individual properties with respect to inline or block elements. But there are single elements can survive without closing like
    <hr> tag, <br> tag etc.

  • Q23. Can we use percentage in font sizes?
  • A23. Only if we use them with specific set for e.g. if the website is set with default size 16px than we can use values like em to scale them with our choices i.e 1.25% em
Font measuring units px are absolute while em, pt are scalable

  • Q24. What is HTML Shiv?
  • A24. HTML Shiv is JavaScript fix made by Individual brilliance of Sjoerd Visscher for enable styling of HTML5 Internet Explorer that are prior to version 9.

  • Q25. What is HTML5 boilerplate?
  • A25. HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template that is used to create fast, robust and adaptable HTML5 sites that are Cross Browser compatible features.

Also Read

  • Q26. Which is the most correct as per HTML5 Standards ..<br>, <br/>, or <br />?
  • A26. As per HTML5 Standards <br> is enough to get the desired results but these values most often will give you the same results. Until HTML4 <br/> was allowed and if you are using XTHML it is still preferred.

  • Q27. What are HTML5 ARIA?
  • A27. HTML5 ARIA stands for HTML5 Accessible Rich Internet Application i.e. standard semantic markup that web developers can add to HTML tags that allows better reading standards for screen reader. role, attributes, button tag for button, alt attributes that provides user information, informative link building with titles, language declaration, and more semantic HTML standards. These ARIA standards allow disable friendly HTML5 behaviour to the web pages.

    • Q28. What are meta Charsets? Why are they written?
    • A28. Along with Doctype, these meta charsets define the type of HTML document is written in. Below is the standard meta charset notation defined in HTML 5. They are written to define the browser support for the HTML respectively
<meta charset="utf-8" />

  • Q29. Which types of Video formats are accepted with HTML5 Video tags?
  • A29. MPE4, WebM, Ogg are the three standard video format supported by HTML 5 tags while you can run others using right codecs, plugins and libraries.

  • Q30. Do All browser support HTML5?
  • A30. Yes all latest version of browser support HTML5 although there are specific elements which have some issues which can be fixed by writing browser specific CSS.

  • Q31. What are Self Closing Tags?
  • A31. These are few specific tags which don’t require extra closing and can be completed by single slash only. like br, hr tag etc. Here is more comprehensive information with Self Closing Tags List.

  • Q32.Where you should put the Script tags in HTML?
  • A32.Earlier it was used to be put at the end of the page to let HTML get first downloaded on the user device. But with new browsers it and use of defer & async attributes allows these to be downloaded in parallel without disturbing the HTML download. For More information see Stackoverflow Solution.

  • Q33. Where you should put the analytics tag in HTML?
  • A33. In similar way to above answer these JavaScript files used to put at the footer now even Google officially recommends them putting them in the head section. Find more info at Google Analytics Header or Footer.

  • Q34. How to connect two pages with HTML?
  • A34. With the use of anchor tag(a) one can easily connect the two pages in HTML.

  • Q35. How are bullets used in HTMLs for alignment?
  • A35. There are ordered list and unordered lists which are used as per their usage in the web development to showcase important points.

Also download the complete list of PDF here at HTML5 Interview Questions and Answers 2024

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