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List of all HTML Tags with Examples

HTML5 Tags list with examples

HTML Tags: Tags are the basic elements of HTML structure. They define the purpose and function of things we can manage with them. There have been five official versions of HTML with newer tags added as per the requirements. Originally there were 18 tags in the beginning. Since then several optimized tags have been added to match modern standards.




HTML Tags list with description and Examples

There are more than 100+ tags used across HTML. Here is a complete list of tags to help you get started in HTML learning with examples.

No. Tag Name Description Example
1 !–…– This HTML tag defines a comment example
2 !DOCTYPE Defines the document type example
3 a This HTML tag defines a hyperlink example
4 abbr This HTML tag defines an abbreviation or an acronym. example
5 acronym This HTML tag defines an acronym (Not supported in HTML5), example
6 address This HTML tag Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document example
7 applet This HTML tag defines an embedded applet. (Not supported in HTML5) example
8 area This HTML tag defines an area inside an image-map example
9 article This HTML tag defines an article, example example
10 aside This HTML tag defines content aside from the page content example
11 audio This HTML tag defines sound content example
12 b Defines bold text example
13 base This HTML tag specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document example
14 basefont Specifies a default color size and font for all text in a document (Not supported in HTML5) example
15 bdi Isolates a part of the text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it example
16 bdo Overrides the current text direction example
17 big Defines big text (Not supported in HTML5) example
18 blockquote Defines a section that is quoted from another source example
19 body Defines the document’s body example
20 br Defines a single line break example
21 button Defines a clickable button example
22 canvas Used to draw graphics on the fly via scripting (usually JavaScript) example
23 caption Defines a table caption example
24 center Defines centered text(Not supported in HTML5) example
25 cite This HTML tag Defines the title of a work example
26 code This HTML tag Defines a piece of computer code example
27 col This HTML tag Specifies column properties for each column within a colgroup element example
28 colgroup This HTML tag Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting example
29 data This HTML tag Links the given content with a machine-readable translation example
30 datalist This HTML tag Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls example
31 dd This HTML tag Defines a description/value of a term in a description list example
32 del This HTML tag Defines text that has been deleted from a document example
33 details This HTML tag Defines additional details that the user can view or hide example
34 dfn This HTML tag Represents the defining instance of a term example
35 dialog This HTML tag Defines a dialog box or window example
36 dir Not supported in HTML5. Use ul instead.This HTML tag Defines a directory list example
37 div This HTML tag Defines a section in a document example
38 dl This HTML tag Defines a description list example
39 dt This HTML tag Defines a term/name in a description list example
40 em This HTML tag Defines emphasized text example
41 embed This HTML tag Defines a container for an external (non-HTML) application example
42 fieldset This HTML tag Groups related elements in a form example
43 figcaption This HTML tag Defines a caption for a figure element example
44 figure This HTML tag Specifies self-contained content example
45 font Defines font color and size for text (Not supported in HTML5) example
46 footer This HTML tag Defines a footer for a document or section example
47 form This HTML tag Defines an HTML form for user input example
48 frame This HTML tag Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset(Not supported in HTML5) example
49 frameset This HTML tag Defines a set of frames(Not supported in HTML5) example
50 h1 to h6 Defines HTML headings example
51 head This HTML tag Defines information about the document example
52 header This HTML tag Defines a header for a document or section example
53 hr This HTML tag Defines a thematic change in the content example
54 HTML Defines the root of an HTML document example
55 i This HTML tag Defines a part of a text in an alternate voice or mood example
56 iframe This HTML tag Defines an inline frame example
57 img This HTML tag Defines an image example
58 input Defines an input control example
59 ins This HTML tag Defines a text that has been inserted into a document example
60 kbd This HTML tag Defines keyboard input example
61 label This HTML tag Defines a label for an input element example
62 legend This HTML tag Defines a caption for a fieldset element example
63 li This HTML tag Defines a list item example
64 link This HTML tag Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets) example
65 main This HTML tag Specifies the main content of a document example
66 map This HTML tag Defines a client-side image-map example
67 mark This HTML tag Defines marked/highlighted text example
68 meta This HTML tag Defines metadata about an HTML document example
69 meter This HTML tag Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) example
70 nav This HTML tag Defines navigation links example
71 noframes Not supported in HTML5. Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames example
72 noscript This HTML tag Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts example
73 object This HTML tag Defines an embedded object,example example
74 ol This HTML tag Defines an ordered list example
75 optgroup This HTML tag Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list example
76 option This HTML tag Defines an option in a drop-down list example
77 output This HTML tag Defines the result of a calculation example
78 p Defines a paragraph example
79 param This HTML tag Defines a parameter for an object example
80 picture This HTML tag Defines a container for multiple image resources example
81 pre This HTML tag Defines preformatted text example
82 progress ,This HTML tag Represents the progress of a task example
83 q This HTML tag Defines a short quotation example
84 rp This HTML tag Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations example
85 rt This HTML tag Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography) example
86 ruby This HTML tag Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography) example
87 s This HTML tag Defines text that is no longer correct example
88 samp This HTML tag Defines sample output from a computer program example
89 script This HTML tag Defines a client-side script,example example
90 section This HTML tag Defines a section in a document example
91 select This HTML tag Defines a drop-down list example
92 small This HTML tag Defines smaller text example
93 source This HTML tag Defines multiple media resources for media elements (video and audio) example
94 span This HTML tag Defines a section in a document example
95 strike Not supported in HTML5. Use del or s instead. This HTML tag Defines strikethrough text example
96 strong This HTML tag Defines important text,example example
97 style This HTML tag Defines style information for any specific element example
98 sub Defines subscripted text example
99 summary This HTML tag Defines a visible heading for a details element example
100 sup This HTML tag Defines superscripted text example
101 svg This HTML tag Defines a container for SVG graphics example
102 table This HTML tag Defines a table example
103 tbody This HTML tag Groups the body content in a table example
104 td This HTML tag Defines a cell in a table example
105 template This HTML tag Defines a template example
106 textarea This HTML tag Defines a multiline input control (text area) example
107 tfoot This HTML tag Groups the footer content in a table example
108 th This HTML tag Defines a header cell in a table example
109 thead This HTML tag Groups the header content in a table example
110 time This HTML tag Defines a date/time example
111 title This HTML tag defines a title for the document example
112 tr This HTML tag defines a row in a table example
113 track This HTML tag defines text tracks for media elements (video and audio) example
114 tt This HTML tag defines teletype text. (Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. ) example
115 u This HTML tag defines the text that should be stylistically different from normal text example
116 ul This HTML tag defines an unordered list example
117 var This HTML tag defines a variable example
118 video This HTML tag defines a video or movie example
119 wbr This HTML tag defines a possible line-break example

HTML Tags history

A Brief History of HTML Tags.

1 Title (title)
2 Next ID (nextid)
3 Base Address (base)
4 Anchors (a)
5 IsIndex (isnindex)
6 Plaintext (plaintext)
7 Example Sections (listing)
8 Paragraph (p)
9 Heading (h1..h2..h3..h4..h5..h6)
10 Address (address)
11 Highlighting phrase (hp1..hp2)
12 Glossaries (dd dir dl dt)
13 Lists (
14 Menu (menu)

Originally 18 tags, Major Tags Added, More Tags Added HTML Standard + CSS styles Introduced, Current Version

HTML tags have been updated since their beginning

  • Basic HTML tags list: div, Span, p, ul, li,a, link
  • Self Closing Tags: br, img,
  • Empty Tags / Void tags:
  • Advanced HTML tags list: audio, video

Also read about

Tags not Supported in HTML5
HTML Global Attributes
HTML5 Interview Questions and Answers
Self-Closing Tags in HTML


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