How to Display Latest Added Products First in Magento?
Magento can easily manage more than 1000 products in one go with different sort attributes like position, name and price etc. But to display recently newly added products on the Homepage it takes minor tweaks in the code that you can perform to get the respective results as per in your favor.
With this code you will be able to get the latest added products first on site Homepage within Magento.
Step 1: Go To Toolbar.php from
Step 2: Around line 232 you would see the below code in setCollection function
if ($this->getCurrentOrder()) { $this->_collection->setOrder($this->getCurrentOrder(), $this->getCurrentDirection()); }
Step 3: Replace the above code with the new below given code :
if ($this->getCurrentOrder()) { if(($this->getCurrentOrder())=='position'){ $this->_collection->setOrder('entity_id','desc'); } else { $this->_collection->setOrder($this->getCurrentOrder(),$this->getCurrentDirection()); } }
With these minor changes in the code you will be able to see the recently added products on the Homepage easily