Best CSS3 Interview Questions and Answers in 2024
CSS3 is the newest version of the Cascading Style Sheets used in the Web document written in a markup language. In this version, different sections are being created for better understanding and learning called “modules”. Each of these modules has backward compatibility and extending the features that were defined in CSS2.
When going for interviews these are simple questions that interviewer asks for your selection. We have listed the top 50 questions that are mostly found in the list for better placement in IT companies.
We have divided the questions into four main sections
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Top 50 CSS3 interview questions and answers to study in 2024
- Q1. How you will differentiate CSS 3 from CSS? Explain with a few examples!
- A1. CSS3 is the latest updated version for CSS with new tags that take it to a whole new level. Some of the specialties include rounded corners, animation, Layout, and media queries.
- Q2. Who is considered the creator of the CSS?
- Q2. Håkon Wium Lie first proposed the concept of CSS and influential Bert Bos proposal makes both of them the co-creator of CSS. They were working at CERN with Tim-Berners Lee known as the inventor of the World Wide Web respectively.
- Q3. Explain the ‘Box Model’ in CSS! What elements form it?
- A3. It is the core fundamental in the understanding of Web layout and sizing of the Web document with learning. Width, Height, Padding, and Border form the Box model of the web layout.
- Q4. Can you make border rounded with CSS3? Is it possible!
- A4. Yes, there is a new ‘border-radius’ property from which we provide a rounded corner to any element. All the sides can also be specifically directed to make corners round.
Border-radius property consists of four individual properties border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-left-radius and border-bottom-right-radius. Check out the corners of the above-given example to get more info on Border-radius
- Q5. How are colours used in accordance with CSS3?
- A5. In CSS3 all colors pertaining to RGBA system, HSL colors, HSLA Colors as well as opacity are also introduced.
- –RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha
- –HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and lightness
- –HSLA stand for Hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha model
- Q6. How to use font properly in CSS3?
- A6. In CSS3 there is provision to use fonts that are not installed in the user’s system. There is new @font-face property which allows to any fonts which their resources file on the server.
- Q7. There is a term being extensively used with CSS3 i.e. ‘Webkit’. Please explain the use of this term!
- A7. Many modern browsers are based on Webkit which is software engine component for rendering web pages in the web browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Opera etc. When applying a rule for these browsers we need to use the prefix ‘–Webkit’ for these browsers to read the rules correctly.
- Q8. What are different types of CSS3 shadows that have become quite popular in short frame of time?
- A8. Text-shadow and box-shadow are two different properties that give the unique design to any element. Even multiple shadows to same element can be provided. Text-shadow is limited to particular text-only whereas box-shadow is applied to whole section showing their importance in whole page.
- Q9. Are there any provision in CSS3 for using images as the border?
- A9. Yes, there is a border-image property for applying images on the border. Using this property we can alter the source, width, repeat, slice, and outset.
- Q10. Explain the use of multiple backgrounds in the CSS3!
- A10. Now with CSS3, it is possible to add more than one background to the element with ‘background-image property’. They are separated by commas in assigning the property to the given element. Their position, repeat, size, origin, and clip are the property that needs to be altered as per requirements.
- Q11. What is CSS3 resizing property?
- A11. Using CSS3 resizing property user can deliberately change the element size with respect to width and height.
- Q12. How can we avoid repeated images in the background?
- A12. There is a specific background-repeat property that must be defined to no so that it doesn’t repeat so the image gets the proper alignment. You can also give specific direction to repeat horizontally or vertically from this property as well.
- Q13. Are there any new properties for checking the limit of the length of the text in CSS3?
- A13. Text-overflow, word-wrap, word-break are the three main property which is used for checking the length of the text.
- Q14. Is there any provision for using pagination in CSS3?
- A14. Yes, using CSS3 with ul-li structure you can create pagination directly and give design as preferred.
- Q15. Describe about new CSS3 property ‘Flex’ in few words.
- A15. Flexbox is the new layout modal being used in CSS3. Used along with display, its primary function is to control the elements behaviour in multiple screen sizes and devices.
- Q16. What is CSS3 multiple column property?
- A16. CSS3 multiple Column property is easiest way of dividing section of particular element just like in newspaper and there are various rule applied to it regarding count, gap, rule, style, width, color and span.
- Q17. Can we use gradients using CSS3 directly on web pages?
- A17. Yes there is provision for using gradients in CSS3 properties using linear and radial gradients which lets smooth display of colors using two or more specified colors with respect to different sizes, radial agreement as well as shape.
- Q18. What are CSS3 transitions? Explain their use in brief!
- A18. CSS3 transitions are the properties which let’s change effect using CSS smoothly over specified duration. Multiple changes simultaneously are allowed within one section.
- Q19. Define the use of new image properties in CSS3?
- A19. New CSS3 properties allows easy multiple changes using border-radius, filter and to display in modal using JavaScript.
- Q20. Explain the use of media queries in CSS3!
- A20. Media queries are the latest web standard for crafting adaptable style sheets for tablets, Desktop, mobiles and iOS-enabled devices. They are applied using height, the width of the device, viewport, orientation and resolution. So any structure design can be altered for making the design responsive.
- Q21. How CSS3 is related to responsive web designing?
- A21. Media queries are introduced in CSS3, which are directly used for making website responsive i.e. RWD (Responsive Web Designing). They introduce different CSS values for device-specific width for appearing in the size of the device only.Get more guidance on Responsive Web Design Tutorials with step by step guidance!
- Q. What are the main advantage of using CSS3?
- A. Main advantages are:
- -Helps design web pages generally
- -Site wide same values and class use
- -Separated from HTML
- -Comes with Animation
- -Enhanced usability with borders, shadows and newer properties
- Q. What are the limitation of CSS3?
- A. Main limitation found with using CSS3 in
- -Vertical rules of Elements
- -They can’t request web page
- -Not able to connect with databases
- -Rules still not cleared on various selectors
CSS3 Animation Interview Questions
- Q. Deliberate some information on using Animations in CSS3?
- A. Animations are fully supported in CSS3 only with properties and keyframes rules to be used for controlling the motion of the objects.
- Q. What is the difference between transition and transform in CSS3?
- A. CSS Transitions allow CSS change in value over a specified time while CSS transform can change the whole dimension of the elements with respect to 2D or 3D.
- Q. What are keyframes in CSS3 Animations?
- A. In CSS3 Animation are defined by the values of their attributes at multiple keyframes. You can have as many keyframes as you want on which the CSS values will change making the whole animation possible.
- Q. Explain all the attributes of CSS 3 Animations!
- A. There are many animation values which are defined at particular keyframes to get the whole animation running smooth.
- animation-name: Any Value can be given
- animation-duration: 4s; Defines the duration for which the animation runs in seconds
- animation-timing-function: Defines the speed curve of the animation i.e. ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, and cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)
- animation-delay: Initial delay before the user sees the animation in seconds
- animation-iteration-count: Number of times animation runs i.e. 1 time to infinite
- animation-direction: Direction of the running animation i.e. normal, reverse, alternate, and alternate-reverse
- animation-fill-mode: Way with which the animation runs i.e. none, forwards, backward, and both
- animation-play-state: i.e. State of the animation running and paused. You can use this property with JavaScript to pause the animation in the middle.
- Q. What are the default values of the CSS3 animation properties elements?
- A. These are the default values for each CSS3 Animation attributes
- animation-name – default none
- animation-duration – default 0s
- animation-timing-function – default ease
- animation-delay – default 0s
- animation-iteration-count – default 1
- animation-direction – default normal
- animation-fill-mode – default none
- animation-play-state – default running
- Q. Can we stop the animation at the last keyframe completely?
- A. Yes with animation-fill-mode: forwards; property one can pause the animation at the last keyframe respectively.
CSS3 Interview Questions Experienced 2 years to 5 Years
- Q. Which characters are valid in CSS that we can input via keyboard?
- A.
-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]* // Valid Characters ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) + = , . / ' ; : " ? > < [ ] \ { } | ` // These characters are not valid
- Q. How you will differentiate between inline-block vs float CSS attributes?
- A. While both are used for maintaining design flow of the page both of them have certain positive and negative around them as With ‘inline-block’ you will be able to vertical-align the element with more effectively on the other hand float is still the most popular way for shifting elements to their specific space with certain disadvantages being clearing as well as vertical positioning can’t be handled after using it.
- Q. What is the difference between display:none and visibility:hidden?
- A. With Display:none the whole element hides and space taken by the element is deleted too while visibility:hidden although removes the elements from users view although their space is occupied.
- Q. What is the difference between cell padding and cell spacing?
- A. Both are CSS attributes for formatting only the major difference is Cell Padding applies within cell content while Cell Spacing is applied outside and between the two cells.
cell padding is the space between content and edges of the cell while CellSpacing is the given between two cells respectively.
- Q. What are the benefits of using CSS grouping?
- A. These are standard CSS techniques to write clean code and make it more efficient, CSS groupings are used. To apply same CSS attributes to more than element CSS Groupings are done.
- Q. Differentiate between width auto vs width 100% vs Width inherit!
- A. width auto: Element will take horizontal space within the container it is with separate space for margin and padding.
width 100%: Element will take full space neglecting any margin or padding given to the element within the full container.
Width inherit: Element will take the same width properties from its parent element
- Q. What is the difference between Class and id in CSS?
- A. Class and Id both are used to link HTML elements with their respective CSS. Whereas same class can be applied to multiple elements with same nature of CSS representation then there will be one value for being unique only.
- Q. How to set z-index property in CSS?
- A. This is another unique CSS property which is used for stacking the elements making it systematically appear over others. It works only on the elements that have specific positions assigned to them.
- Q. Is there a concept for CSS parent selector?
- A. No currently there is no support for selecting CSS parent selector.
- Q. How to vertically centre align a div in CSS?
- A. To vertical-align a div centre you need combinations of property that matched your layout respectively. {Vertical align: middle} attribute was found to be quite helpful but needs to complement with fixed height and inline elements to be more effective.
- Q. How to Horizontally center align a div in CSS?
- A. There are many CSS attributes by which you can do this like
- 1. {text-align: center;}
- 2. {width: nPx(n=number) and margin:auto}
- 3. By position relative and absolute
- Q. Can Cache affect CSS in any way?
- A. Yes in software bundles frameworks or CMS where backend caches are maintained one needs to clear them to see the latest changes. Sometimes browsers cache also alters the presentation of the specific CSS elements.
- Q. Is clearing floats still necessary or is there a another way around past that?
- A. Clearing floats or Clearfix is generally recommended way to clear the float property but Overflow:hidden attributes also clears the area for around 99% cases.
- Q. How to align div or any content in the bottom of another div using CSS?
- A. For bottom positioning position relative or absolute is the perfect way to align it on the bottom of another div element.
- Q. Is there a way to apply CSS to half a character?
- A. Yes within combination of JS you can style the characters in half, one-third and as per your choice to get desired design. For more info check the solution here (Stackoverflow Q & A)
Advanced CSS3 Experienced Questions Above 3 Years
- Q. Can CSS be written dynamically?
- A. Yes there are solutions with which you can write dynamic CSS. With JavaScript is the most recommended solution, preprocessors also use this dynamic CSS based on another elements value.
- Q. What are CSS preprocessor?
- A. These are techniques which are used for efficient use of CSS in multiple re-usability and extensible coding like a programming language. SASS, SCSS, LESS and Stylus are some of the most popular ways of CSS preprocessors.
- Q. How to convert inline elements to block elements via CSS?
- A. Elements are either inline or block elements based on their purpose of use. There are few properties with which you can change inline-elements to behave like block i.e. display:block;
- Q. Name some of the top CSS Frameworks which are used for making websites!
- A. Bootstrap, Foundation, material etc are some of the most popular CSS3 responsive web design frameworks used for building websites all around.
- Q. Can we connect to database with CSS?
- A. No, CSS is client side language you need to implement Server side language for passing data in any form like PHP, ASP etc
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