Categories: PHP

How to Convert String to Number in Php

Converting String to Number in PHP : When we are performing some computations, there are some string variables which stores integer as a string. So, we need to convert them to number. That can be integer or float. Today we are going to learn different ways to convert an string to number i.e integer/float.

String to integer by  Type Casting (int)

Example : If we have a variable like $str = “49.99”. Double Quotes shows that 49.99 is a string. So, to convert it we are using type casting (int). This will convert the string value to int and stores the integer value only in var $strInt.

$str = "49.99";
$strInt = (int)$str;
echo $strInt; // 49
var_dump($strInt); //int(49)

Example : If you will try to convert string value to integer, then you will get the 0(zero) value.

$str2 = "hello";
$str2 = (int)$str2;
echo $str2; //0

php string to integer value

String to integer using function intval()  –  fetch integer value of a variable

intval() will take string value as input and returns the integer value.

Example :

$str = "49.99";
$strInt = intval($str);
echo $strInt; // 49
var_dump($strInt); //int(49)

php typecast string to float

String to float using Type Casting (float)
Example : If we have a variable like $str = “49.99”. Double Quotes shows that 49.99 is a string. So, to convert it we are using type casting (float). This will convert the string value to float and stores the float value only in var $strFloat.

$str = "49.99";
$strFloat = (<strong>float</strong>)$str;
echo $strFloat; // 49.99
var_dump($strFloat); //float(49)

php typecast string to float(Double)

String to float using Type Casting (double)

$str = "49.99";
$strDouble = (double)$str;
echo $strDouble; // 49.99
var_dump($strFloat); //float(49)

php string to float using function

String to float using function floatval() –  fetch float value of a variable

floatval() will take string value as input and returns the float value.

$str = "49.99";
$strFloat = floatval($str);
echo $strFloat; // 49.99
var_dump($strFloat); //float(49)


Also see all the results in one simple by checking the difference answers

jyoti rani

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