How To Get All Categories in Magento.?
Get All Categories in Magento When you need to display all categories on homepage or any cms page then you can use below methods to work with different list of all Magento...
Get All Categories in Magento When you need to display all categories on homepage or any cms page then you can use below methods to work with different list of all Magento...
The editing Magento database configuration file is an important step when you install or change hosting (server) for a website. In case you need to reset your Magento data configurations...
Magento add Social Media Button : Adding a ‘Facebook Share button‘ and a ‘Twitter Tweet button’ to your Magento pages and products is simple but you have to use the...
Magento product page does not always display the full breadcrumb path on the product page and you have to add modified code to get the full breadcrumb path on product...
Call Core Template File In Magento: When working with custom HTML integration in Magento you need to call core template files in Magento. There are two steps to do this...
Delete all ‘Url Rewrite Management’ URLs: To remove all the unnecessary URL’s that are being created by magneto backend you need to do this via URLRewrite management. These are the...
Magento Sort Order of Collection With a sorted collection you can display list of objects like products in a specific order. The below code will sort the collection in descending...
Magento Add Custom CSS and Javascript to Home Page or specific CMS page Magento is a complete package and allows custom changes to its layout with easy addition of custom...
Get Table Name in Magento : You can easily add table in Magento by using the following code. Suppose you need to get table name category_product. Table Name in Magento :...
In the below example, we will learn how to get the shopping cart information in Magento with respect their respective values of cart items, subtotal, grand total, billing & shipping...
Magento Get Last Order Id : You can get last order Id in magento by using the following code in Model. $orders = Mage::getModel(‘sales/order’)->getCollection() ->setOrder(‘increment_id’,’DESC’) ->setPageSize(1) ->getFirstItem(); echo $orders->getEntityId() This...
Magento get coupon code applied on cart code You can use the following getCouponCode method to apply coupon code on cart in Magento $coupon_code = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/session’) ->getQuote()->getCouponCode(); You can follow...
In this blog we are going to learn to get custom options values for all products in Magento with any specific order. Product might have custom option dropdown list and...
Magento Get current module name, controller name, route name and current action name To find these important values you need to understand the use of below code with effective measures....
To Get Media Url Syntax:- $mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA); OR $mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(‘media’); To Get Js Url Syntax:- $jsUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_JS); To Get Store Url Syntax:- $storeUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); To Get...
Skin and Base url in Magento With Skin and Base URL you can get the right folder information and make changes as required. Get Base Url: Mage::getBaseUrl(); Get Skin Url:...
Magento get simple product from configurable :- To begin with configurable products are collection of simple products only. It is necessary to have simple products to make a configurable products....
There is default functionality to get all Customer data information from the databased with fist name, last name, email, status, phone, address and so on. Below code when runs give...
If you are looking to get the current date and time with specific format being used currently from the database then use the following code with specific syntax to get...
With the following code one can easily get the specific Current customer group id with logged in or session information. Mage::getSingleton(‘customer/session’)->getCustomerGroupId(); is used to get current customer group id details...