SQL INSERT Statement
How to store data in a Table? Answer is very simple, Use INSERT query. There are two ways to insert data in table. Syntax: Form1 : INSERT INTO “tableName” values...
How to store data in a Table? Answer is very simple, Use INSERT query. There are two ways to insert data in table. Syntax: Form1 : INSERT INTO “tableName” values...
This statement is used to fetch the rows from the database table. Data is returned in the form of result table, which are also know as result-sets. Syntax: SELECT coulmn1,...
How to update data in a Table? Answer is to use UPDATE query. It is used with WHERE clause to avoid accidental update in all the columns rather than updates required...
This statement is used to delete one/more/all rows from the table depending upon some conditions. Syntax: DELETE ALL DATA in table without deleting table structure, index, constraints. DELETE * FROM...
This statement is used to Delete all Structure/Data in database. Syntax: DROP database “DatabaseName”; Example: Below query will delete Structure/Data from the database. To DROP the database in “CREATE database tutorialmines”...
When you open your database editor, you will have to select which database you would like to use among multiples database residing on your system. USE keyword offers this feature....
This statement is used to create a new database in the SQL. Syntax: CREATE database “DatabaseName”; DatabaseName – It can be anything i.e. combination of alphanumericals, alphabets, undrscore, hypens etc....
SQL – Start with me. Now the question arise, how to start with it? You just need one database and you are ready to go with the editor to start...