Category: Database


MySQL LCASE() Functions – String Functions

MySQL LCASE() Functions: Syntax LCASE ( string ); MySQL LCASE() Functions: Description LCASE() functions converts all the characters in a string to lowercase characters according to the current character set...


MySQL LOWER() Functions – String Functions

MySQL LOWER() Functions: Syntax LOWER ( string ); MySQL LOWER() Functions: Description LOWER() functions converts all the characters in a string to lowercase characters according to the current character set...


MySQL UCASE() Functions – String Functions

MySQL UCASE() Functions: Syntax UCASE ( string ); MySQL UCASE() Functions: Description UCASE() functions convert all the characters in a string to uppercase characters according to the current character set...


MySQL UPPER() Functions – String Functions

MySQL UPPER() Functions: Syntax UPPER ( string ) MySQL UPPER() Functions: Description UPPER() functions convert all the characters in a string to uppercase characters according to the current character set...


MySQL CONCAT_WS() Functions – String Functions

MySQL CONCAT_WS() Functions: Syntax CONCAT_WS ( separator, string1, string2, .. stringN) MySQL CONCAT_WS() Functions: Description CONCAT_WS() functions returns the concatenated string and adds a separator between each of the concatenated...


MySQL CONCAT() Functions – String Functions

MySQL CONCAT() Functions: Syntax CONCAT ( string1, string2, ..  ) MySQL CONCAT() Functions: Description CONCAT() functions returns the concatenated string. You may have one or more arguments. If all arguments...


MySQL CHARACTER_LENGTH() Functions – String Functions

MySQL CHARACTER_LENGTH() Functions: Syntax CHARACTER_LENGTH ( string ) MySQL CHARACTER_LENGTH() Functions: Description This function is equal to the CHAR_LENGTH() function. Related articles : CHAR_LENGTH() , BIT_LENGTH(), LENGTH() See all MySQL...


MySQL CHAR_LENGTH() Functions – String Functions

MySQL CHAR_LENGTH() Functions: Syntax CHAR_LENGTH ( string ) MySQL CHAR_LENGTH() Functions: Description CHAR_LENGTH() functions returns the length of a string (in characters). A multibyte character counts as a single character....


MySQL CHAR() Functions – String Functions

MySQL CHAR() Functions: Syntax CHAR ( N,… [USING charset_name]) MySQL CHAR() Functions: Description CHAR() functions interpret each argument N as an integer and return a string consisting of the characters...


MySQL 8 String Functions ( Full List )

MySQL 8 has many built-in functions. This reference contains string functions in MySQL. [table caption=”MySQL 8 String Functions list with examples” width=”100%” colwidth=”10%|90%” colalign=”left|left”] Command, Description ASCII(), This will return...


MySQL BIT_LENGTH() Functions – String Functions

MySQL BIT_LENGTH() Functions: Syntax BIT_LENGTH ( string ); MySQL BIT_LENGTH() Functions: Description BIT_LENGTH() returns the length of the string passed as input in bits. MySQL BIT_LENGTH() Functions: Parameter [table caption=””...


MySQL ASCII() Functions – String Functions

MySQL ASCII() Functions: Syntax ASCII ( string ); MySQL ASCII() Functions: Description ASCII() function return the numeric value of left-most character. ASCII() works for 8-bit characters. MySQL ASCII() Functions: Parameter...


MySQL BIN() Functions – String Functions

MySQL BIN() Functions: Syntax BIN ( number ); MySQL BIN() Functions: Description BIN() function return a string containing binary representation of a number. Returns a string representation of the binary...



This statement is used to DROP OBJECTS in the database. It can be a whole database or just a table, index, or view. Note: Be careful while dropping a table....

SQL About me 0

SQL About me

Today i am writing about SQL. In the internet Era, we all are having smart phones, Gadgets etc devices. We are using them to search/surfing on net. So, how data...



This statement is used to delete all rows from the table. Its similar like DELETE statement BUT it does not have WHERE clause in it. Syntax: DELETE ALL DATA in table...