Author: Rohan pathak

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How to get current category name and id on product page in magento.?

Following is the code to get current Category name and id on product page in Magento. <?php $catname = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/layer’)->getCurrentCategory()->getName(); //gives current category name $catid = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/layer’)->getCurrentCategory()->getId(); //gives current category...

JavaScript tutorials for beignners 0

What are JavaScript Comments?

JavaScript Comments :These are side information added to each code so that they convey the right message about the code identification especially to readers enhancing the overall process of coding...

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

How to Add Category Image in Magento?

Each and every category for your Magento E-Commerce store must have specific image to let the viewers know more about the category itself. More-ever this will also help you to...

Magento Step by Step tutorials 0

Magento Create Category Programmatically

Magento Create Category Programmatically : You can create categories programmatically in Magento by Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’) method which is used to initialize and create the category in Magento 1.9 Note : There...

JavaScript tutorials for beignners 0

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high level programming language used vividly in web development.JavaScript was standardized using ECMAScript language specification. Most of the websites uses JavaScript in some way during their website...