Author: admin

HTML hidden Attribute 0

HTML hidden Attribute

When this attribute is set to any element it hides the element from display in output. Also used in collaboration with JavaScript with hiding the element until it meet the...

HTML dropzone Attribute 0

HTML dropzone Attribute

This HTML dropzone attribute instructs the browser about the status of the dragged data i.e. Copy, move or link when the data is dropped on an element. Using HTML dropzone...

HTML draggable Attribute 0

HTML draggable Attribute

This draggable attribute when set to element allows the content inside it to be easily drag and drop with other elements. Note : With JavaScript they are used with drag...

HTML dir Attribute 0

HTML dir Attribute

This HTML dir attribute is used to define the path of the text i.e. left to right ‘ltr’ or right to left ‘rtl’. These are used when necessary as some...

HTML5 tutorial for beginners 0

How HTML Data-* Attributes work?

HTML5 Data Attribute: This data attribute gives the potential of binding specific information to particular section. Information when attached can be called via JavaScript rather than calling this from server...

HTML contextmenu Attribute 0

HTML contextmenu Attribute

This contextmenu is seen when the user clicks on the Mouse right-side. We can assign multiple properties as per our requirement and usage to this menu. Tip : Currently Firefox...

HTML contenteditable Attribute 0

HTML contenteditable Attribute

This attribute of HTML specifies whether the content of the element is editable or not. For this you have define its value which are ‘True’ or ‘False’. Using HTML contenteditable...

HTML u Tag 0

HTML u Tag

HTML <u> Tag represents some specific text that should show its uniqueness from other normal text. Some Nouns for Chinese or Japanese languages are placed inside <u> Tag to show...

HTML tt Tag 0

HTML tt Tag

HTML <tt>Tag used to define the teletype text for content that was placed inside this tag. This tag is now not supported in HTML5. Tags like <code>, <kbd>, <Var>, <samp>...

HTML Strike Tag 0

HTML Strike Tag

<Strike> is another HTML tag which is now not supported in HTML5. Although it is still supported all modern browsers. Using this tag a horizontal line was placed in the...

HTML s Tag 0

HTML s Tag

The HTML <s> tag is used to define the particular text that is longer correct, relevant or accurate to the present conditions. For deleted text or replacing <del;> tag is...

HTML isindex Tag 0

HTML isindex Tag

HTML <isindex> Tag was used for querying through the text field inside the web document. The use of <isindex> is not supported in html5 with latest changes. This tag was...

HTML Font Tag 0

HTML Font Tag

The HTML <font> tag is specifically used to define the font face(type), font size as well as color of the text. This <font> element properties are now replaced with CSS...

HTML Dir Tag 0

HTML Dir Tag

The HTML <dir> tag was used to display directory titles. Although this tag has lost all support from HTML5, modern browsers supports <dir> tag without any complications. Note : CSS...

HTML Center Tag 0

HTML Center Tag

HTML <center> tag used to align the text center for content placed inside this text. Now CSS properties are assigned with this tag usage resulting with no support in HTML5...

HTML Big tag 0

HTML Big tag

This HTML <big> tag used to enhance the text size of the content placed inside this tag. With CSS3 improvements this tag is not supported whatsoever in HTML5. Note :...