HTML Elements

HTML is formed by HTML elements which are HTML tags only.

Characteristics of HTML elements

  • HTML elements can be Nested Elements i.e; Elements can contain elements.
  • All HTML elements should be closed for proper results.
  • HTML tags are not case sensitive but it is recommended to use them in lowercase.

Types of HTML Elements

Every HTML element has some default display. Broadly they can be classified into two categories

Block Level Elements

As the name suggests they block their area i.e. they always start from new line and cover the whole page.
<div>, <p>, <h1> – <h6>, <form> tags are some of the block level elements which are used regularly.

Inline Elements

Inline elements stay inline only i.e; they only take the required space as necessary. <span>, <a>, <img> tags are some of the block level elements which are used regularly.

Difference Between Block and Inline elements

  1. Block elements form the basic foundation of HTML whereas inline elements are text based only.
  2. The main difference lies in the typical use and nesting attributes. You can put inline elements inside block elements but you can’t put block element inside inline element.
  3. Block Elements follow all margins and Padding whereas inline elements only follow right and left margins with no padding at all.
  4. Block Elements ignores the vertical-align properties whereas Inline elements follows vertical-align property.
  5. Block Elements can be checked by giving width and height whereas Inline elements disregard the height and width elements.

Tip<Div>, & <Span> tags are the two most common tags used.

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